Advanced Analytical Study on Two Point Conversions
Two-point conversions are some of the most impactful plays on the football field.While they may…
Advanced Analytical Study on Two Point Conversions
Two point conversions are some of the most impactful plays on the football field.While they…
The Hidden Reality of Draft Value: Part 3 — Late-Round vs. Early-Next Round
In the last article of the series, we concluded the positional view of how first…
Don't Be Afraid Of Analytics
As a term, analytics has become a sort of lightning rod. It is the enemy…
Using Pressure-to-Sack Conversion Rates to Predict Sack Risers and Fallers
As analytics rapidly get integrated into mainstream football analysis and thinking, it has become clear…
How NFL Teams Can Take Advantage of Tracking Data
The big data arms race has made its way to the NFL, which is no…